Friday, July 18, 2014

Small and Full of Thanks

When I consider your heavens,
the work of your fingers,
the moon and the stars,
which you have set in place,
what is mankind that you are mindful of them,
human beings that you care for them?
Psalm 8: 3-4  (NIV)

Sometimes I just feel overwhelmingly small - just small.  One person in a world of people.  One world in a universe of worlds.  Small.  And I gasp at the wonder of this small - my infinitesimal life, because I know that God loves me.

He knows me.  He knows me and still he loves me.  He knows us all and still he loves.  He loves so much that he came to live with us - to be small with us.  He gave everything for us.  That is full-of-wonder wonderful.

And I am grateful.

Linking with Still Saturday, and Sunday Stillness


  1. ... and the most beautiful thing is that we are not small in His eyes! and He loves us like crazy!

    thanks, Janet for this beautiful image with lens and Word ...

    1. It IS the most beautiful thing... and I am SO thankful! Thanks for the kind and encouraging words. I hope you have a peaceful Sunday. Janet

  2. What you were/are describing is exactly how I feel some of the time, some of the days. The photo and the Word, though, are beautiful and filled with thankfulness. So, thank YOU for sharing.

    1. Hi Caryjo,
      I was fascinated by the number of bumblebees harvesting from the clover-that-should-have-been grass in our backyard. It was fun trying to take a picture. When I saw them on my computer later, I was awed by the beauty and detail of God's creation in the common-ness of what I considered to be weeds. I am in knees-hit-the-ground-awe of my God! Thank you for your encouraging words.


I know we probably haven't met in person, but I believe that the sharing of our ideas and thoughts, sometimes our hearts and souls, makes us more than strangers. I would like to say friends. Thank you for taking the time to contribute to my little space - I appreciate you.