Friday, August 14, 2015

Learn Through Me

It is Five-Minute Friday. A one-word prompt and five minutes to write. Today's prompt is

Who is this that obscures my plans with words without knowledge?
Brace yourself like a man; I will question you,
and you shall answer me.
Job 38:2-3

"What did you learn?"

"The sun rises and the sun sets. Between the days, lie the nights, silky and soft, distant stars punctuate the heavens, each rising and setting, rising and setting."

"Any fool know this. What did you learn?"

"Mountains ascend and they fall. Ocean waves travel without wind, soaring in mighty crests and collapsing upon land. Currents glide through the deep, slide through the deep, carve tunnels of change through the deep, stirring the great waters of the world.

An imperceptible shake, an impatient blink. "Not these. These are known. What did you learn?"

"Green things grow, they twine, they stretch, they establish roots into the earth and thus anchored, they reach for the light. Seas swarm with life of all shapes and sizes. Life that swims, that floats, that crawls across the ocean floor. Beasts of the land roam wide plains, cross turbulent rivers, bathe in calm pools and sleep in leafy bowers. Segmented creatures scurry and squirm, spin webs of great beauty, and flutter on jeweled wings. Birds, large and small, fly and soar through the skies, cloaked in satin feathers and warm down. Fur and skin, claw and tooth, antennae, feelers, mandibles, eyes and ears. The earth is filled with such as these."

" What did you learn of my children?"


"Wars and poverty continue. I have seen pockets of kindness, acts of unselfish love. I feel mankind's jealousy, anger, bitterness. I hear your children's prayers. Their pleading. I hear groaning both in pleasure and pain. They eat and they sleep. Some more and some less. What do you want me to tell you?"


"There is nothing new under the sun."

"Then you must look beyond the sun. 

Do not be afraid. 
I am the First and the Last.
I am the Living One; 
I was dead, and now look, 
I am alive for ever and ever! 
And I hold the keys of death and Hades. 

Learn through me."


  1. Yes, God is the greatest schoolmaster ever! So gentle and loving, but firm when he needs to be. Beautiful words Janet. Followed you at FMF friday, I'm in the #8 and #29 spot with 2 different blogs today. have a wonderful Friday!

    1. Christy - I am SO proud of you! I just read the posts from the FMF conference yesterday and thought of you, praying that you and your husband would indeed start the blog you spoke of, the one you dreamed of so long ago before life laid it aside. Now I've read your words - old dinosaur, indeed... You ARE rocking this, Christy!

      And, yes, God is, ultimately, the ONLY schoolmaster, isn't He? I pray that I have eyes to see and ears to hear...

      So glad you could visit - have a great weekend!

  2. Replies
    1. Denise - Welcome back, friend. I prayed for you and your Eddie - mostly that the Lord keep you strong and that you are able to rest and heal in His comfort. God truly is amazing - as big as He is, as Powerful, as Holy, as Eternal - He still loves us. He still loves you! NOTHING can separate us from Him. In Joy!

  3. Look beyond the sun....yes!! THIS: "Do not be afraid.
    I am the First and the Last.
    I am the Living One;
    I was dead, and now look,
    I am alive for ever and ever!
    And I hold the keys of death and Hades." I'm parked in the #12 spot!

    1. Hi Tara - I should probably add the credit to the scripture's Revelations 1:17-18...I get chills everytime I read it! I'm glad to came by today - have a great weekend.

  4. Lovely post, Janet. It's easy to forget as we are constantly learning about our world that the best way to love on God's people is by learning about them. Taking time to listen and to help. Thanks for this reminder!

    1. Holly, '
      Taking time to listen and help...' Yes, more of that in this busy, busy, sometimes scary world, please.... I appreciate your visit here, today, your listening spirit and kind words.


I know we probably haven't met in person, but I believe that the sharing of our ideas and thoughts, sometimes our hearts and souls, makes us more than strangers. I would like to say friends. Thank you for taking the time to contribute to my little space - I appreciate you.