Friday, July 18, 2014


...before your hair turns white like an almond tree in bloom...
Ecclesiastes 12:5  (NLT)

I don't ever remember either of my grandmothers without white hair.  Powdery, silvery, cloud-like and soft.  But that's who they were to me in the long ago and faraway of my childhood memories - old and wise, welcoming and sweet.

I have been watching my father's hair go from dark to light as the years pass.  I inherited his dark hair and diligently color the gray out every eights weeks.  I think when errant white becomes common and full, it will be time to accede to this almond tree in bloom.  But not yet.

What a graceful image of aging - before your hair turns white like an almond tree in bloom.  

This spring, my sisters and I were blessed to celebrate my parents' birthdays - 80 and 85, together.  Daddy was the only man invited.  Four generations.  We rented a vacation home on the outskirts of Nashville and spent a weekend of sharing and caring and loving on each other - a weekend of getting to know the toddlers and babies, to reconnect the scattered pieces of living across the country, to get some face to face and skin to skin.

Bloom.  I pray that we will always choose to see the graceful image - like the almond tree in blossom.  I hope that I will bloom as elegantly as my parents.  I pray that these families, my family, your family, will bloom where they're planted, sowing seeds of encouragement, caring, and love in the gardens of their lives and the lives of the people around them.  

I hope you bloom. 

Linking with 5-Minute Friday


  1. Thanks for the encouragement of blooming! I enjoyed reading your post.

    1. Latonya, I remember when I received a note card from a principal who had just hired me for my dream job. It was in response to me telling her the army was moving us and I wouldn't be able to take the job after all. She had simply written "Bloom where you're planted." They were wonderful words of encouragement to me. It looks like they've been encouraging to you as well. Bloom was a good prompt today, wasn't it? Thank you for stopping by. Janet

  2. Beautiful! This brought tears to my eyes. I love seeing families of multiple generations. My parents turned 79 this year & we will be going on vacation next month - 4 generations. It is truly a blessing which God gives us to enjoy & delight in. So glad we were neighbors at FMF. Blessings!

    1. Joanne, thanks for visiting! I love when we step onto common ground in this blogosphere! Four generations together! We had an I-can't-say-enough-good-things-about-it great weekend together. I hope you enjoy spending time with your family as well!

      On the other hand, a different point of view on 'bloom where you're planted' - We're a military family, about to make yet another move. My sister told me she would be overwhelmed with making each house a 'home'. I told her it wasn't the house that made the home, it was the people. Blooming where you're planted is a choice - you have to make it happen.

      Oh! and you and my other sister share the 'Mimi' thing. I hope you have a wonderful weekend!

  3. I love the direction you took this prompt! I've recently been thinking about aging (even though I'm only approaching 30, it still feels like a big mile stone). I hope that I,too, can "bloom" with grace. Thanks for the encouragement!

    1. Hmmm... I remember 30. It is a milestone. Enjoy! Thanks for stopping by...

  4. Wonderful story, wonderful pictures and exquisite verse. "before your hair turns white like an almond tree in bloom". My mother has beautiful white hair. I have my fingers crossed to inherit the same. Thank you for your reminder to make the most of every day.

    1. Thanks! I was struck by the verse as well - I love my Dad's hair, thick and wavy, and beautifully white. I hope, since I have his coloring, that my dark hair will do the same (as soon as I let it ...). I am constantly reminding myself to enjoy the now and make the most of what is here... So... you're welcome! :) I hope you have a blessed weekend.

  5. My once red-haired, then blonde hubby now has snowy white, curly, hair. The quote is so lovely, and a lovely family! A great quote for the word, "Bloom". Have a beautiful weekend.

    1. We have red and blonde in our family as well, although the blonde didn't stay much past childhood. I love the red! Maybe that's the secret to snowy white, it has to be the 'right' color to start? Thanks for visiting, I hope you have a blessed weekend.

  6. Love this! I gave up coloring my hair when Richard became sick. It is pretty salt and pepper now with lots of salt. Loved the pictures

    1. Your Richard and what you're doing for and with him are far more precious than coloring your hair. I love that you looked at slides and shared memories together. I hope you have a blessed weekend. Praying for you and your family.


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